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Posts posted by tbg

  1. Am 22.3.2021 um 15:35 schrieb hlennarz:

    Probably for the exact same reason.

    I don't know if you are replying to me, but I was referring to "Alex Noise", only the original message was not copied for some reason 😅



    Gigi has a lot of songs based on others, I honestly think that in the case of Mondello it was more a lack of understanding or carelessness on his part. What is clear is that the published songs are registered in Gigi's name, no matter who it hurts. The ones that are not published... there may be doubts, but if they were deleted and have not been uploaded again, it is clear that they are not Mondello's 100%.
    And whoever wants to say the opposite can come and say it, but there is no proof of this, so to continue talking about this is either to generate doubts or to want to stand out from the rest.

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