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Posts posted by tbg

  1. vor 5 Minuten schrieb Alex Noise:

    It is like a marketing strategy, they will think that the long versions will come in vol.2 and we will rush to buy it as soon as it is announced, it will come out this year, so we will die of nerves next month.

    I'm not sure Gigi meant that there would be a volume 2, but it would be a double album because of the number of songs. But it's a guess.

    PD: No, he was talking about the first one to be released this week, so yes, must be another one. I hope with longest tracks


  2. vor 2 Stunden schrieb hlennarz:

    YouTube Audio Quality is rather low.


    From Youtubeimage.png.d0484ebeeff1e973cff219230df0e053.png

    Considering the difference in hertz, I don't see any other reason to blame the problem of low quality.

    The problem lies with the user who uploads the video/audio. If he uploads it in bad quality, it will be downloaded in bad quality. I have to say that it is a detail of GG to upload the audio in good quality.

    PD: Also highlight the service that is used to download the music, I do not know if I can put examples of this.

  3. vor 16 Stunden schrieb kazin:

    I found best price-quality ratio solution - Spotify Premium. You have 320 kbps quality + ability to listen music offline. Also you can record the music you listen while you listening... and here is your 320 kbps release 🙂

    Why not directly from youtube instead of that tedious work?


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