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Posts posted by tbg

  1. vor 1 Stunde schrieb kazin:

    As for me:

    Soy Libre is veeeery similar to Mondello & Vivian (D&V) tracks.

    Vivo Per Lei is from Mondello free pack from 2013.

    Going in Doing has all typical Mondello samples and basses/synths/effects.

    La Tonta ( Distortion Mix ) also has Mondello sounds/bass/synths and vocal sampling.

    Is there a place where we can listen those tracks to compare them?

  2. vor 22 Stunden schrieb Marios7:

    do you seriously believe that tomorrow Psico Dance could come out for real?! o.O

    It's just impossible that a release is going to go on selling magically without zero official information about release date, format of the disc, tracklist, cover and a bit of marketing/promotion!

    Don't believe to flying donkeys too much ;)

    I don't want to start a war, but seems you don't take a look at some messages from GG, because he said the format of the disc will be CD and digital. In other side, meanwhile he release the disc (or not), he are uploading a lot of tracks in his youtube channels, maybe to entertain us while we wait.

  3. Handelt es sich beispielsweise um einen (käuflich erhältlichen) Song, der dort in voller Länge zu hören ist (meist unterlegt mit einer Bilderserie), darf dieses Video nicht im Forum verlinkt werden.

    st1 = Claude Bolling - Borsalino Theme

  4. st1 = Borsalino

  5. zuerst entschuldigen Sie mich für meinen Deutschen, ich benutzt " babelfish". ich bin TBG vom Forum www.gigidagostino.serverhod.com, ich sehe Sie, über dieses vorher zu sprechen. Ich möchte dieses mit uns teilen:

    Uomo Suono - Tarantella dell'orso


    Felix da Housecat - Le tweak


    Orchestra Maldestra - Chi cerca scusa trova menzogne


    D.H.S. (Dimensional Holofonis Sound) - The house of god


    Kaliya - Ritual tibetan


    ¿Albert Gamse? - Hava nagila


    ciao a tutti!

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