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Gigi D'Agostino & Luca Noise - Psico Dance

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He never wrote about negative stuffs... so don't wait statement that never come.

ps. PsicoDance won't be out on April for sure... and nobody told us anything officially! I think aswell the Time Records promoter and Ceo have insulted our intelligence lying on release date "for sure" before in March, and after during April... without saying nothing more about what's truly happening around this damned release! :(

Bearbeitet von Marios7
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Well he did it this time…




Unfortunately last night I had a health issue that literally blocked me... as soon as it was a bit relieved the evil I had to accompany myself in console... I played until I could endure the pain...

I apologize if I had to interrupt my set...... I'm mortified... if I had the physical strength I would kneel to apologize... I was sick and I was sorry because I had to abandon the console... I can't describe anything else That the huge sorrow.... this is what I feel inside...

Excuse me.



It sucks :S I wouldn't be him now...

Bearbeitet von Bluestar
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Er hat's trotz der Schmerzen versucht. Und einen sehr ehrlichen Umgang gefunden, das etwas besser zu vermitteln, als das in der Vergangenheit der Fall war. Finde ich sehr gut! Ich hoffe dass es ihm bald wieder besser geht und er schmerzfrei ist!

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He changed both his profile photo and his cover photo, so I don't see why this should be a bad clue. 

On all accounts from Gigi and also from Luca every post/image/video about psico dance is still online, this compilation will come. We just have to wait and have more patient. 

Besides, Gigi is facing health issues the last week(s?) so don't expect any news very soon ;-) 

Bearbeitet von henk_jan
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This is the latest response from them (FB source):




Ciao, ci stiamo lavorando, noi e Gigi.
Vi daremo notizie appena abbiamo la data esatta di uscita.

Hi, we're working on it, us and Gigi.
We will give you news as soon as we have the exact release date.


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Danke dir fürs Nachfragen ab und zu ;-) Also arbeiten BEIDE Parteien dran. Gigi und Time Records. Scheint wohl jetzt der Feinschliff an der Tracklist zu sein? Andere werden sicher eher so Hinhaltetaktiken hereininterpretieren...ich denke Release könnte im Mai oder im Juni (wie die Ieri e oggi vol. 1, am 01.06.2010) werden.

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Endlich tut sich da mal wieder was,könnte ja nicht mehr so lange dauern,da kann man auf die Trackliste sein beziehungsweise das Officielle Cover der CD:jodesnemma:

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4 hours ago, hlennarz said:

Kann einer schnell den aktuellen Adventskalender posten ? :lachen:


Oh, I heard your voice asking for my guidance!




Here we go!


*Captain PsicoDance flies away*


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Captain Psico Dance? :D I can see him... flying very very fast...maybe he reach us in the next week?

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this "TIME" themselves skipped may... now the head of promotion said 8th or 15th june as the release date, and the promotion trought official social starting in middle may, we'll see if this is going to be another fake hope or whatever.....

Bearbeitet von Marios7
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vor 26 Minuten schrieb Marios7:

this "TIME" themselves skipped may... now the head of promotion said 8th or 15th june as the release date, and the promotion trought official social starting in middle may, we'll see if this is going to be another fake hope or whatever.....

Were do you got this information from? Or is its just a thought- how it could be?

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