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Judith - La Danza Del Amor


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Well, the spanish entry for the Eurovision song contest this year will be chosen out of MySpace songs. Everyone can make a song, put it on a MySpace and mail this entry and you could be a participant. Only a few songs out of these will be selected for the final next month... so, any Spanish citizen can try to reach the Eurovision song contest, but then you need a better song than all the other MySpace participants and I don't think that THIS song is the best ;)

However, it's a nice idea of Spain to organize the contest this way.

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Thanks for the explanation. :klatschen1: This method is much better than the german way of choosing a song for the contest.

Here a jury lets only 5 groups or artists perfom their songs on tv, so you can vote only for a few songs and sometimes no track is good so you can't even vote for ONE song.

I suppose this year germany will send the NO ANGELS to the song contest.

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