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Found 15 results

  1. Stefano Di Carlo, dj, producer & co-author of some nice Gigi's tracks, recently released on YouTube a lot of his tracks. Some of them sounds really similar to some Gigi's tracks or similar to unreleased Il Cammino & QCMP tracks. And some of them are prettty good Suonata Strana sounds like I'm in You https://youtu.be/2urA7bCD3ss Lontani sounds similar to ? ? ? (Unsere Geschichten) Me domando e dico feels like something Gigi or Luca Noise (Tanti Amici) And this one sounds very similar to one Il Cammino track, which title I forgot: And here are some other his stuff: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtIOyeupgM3jRAn74Q1RNeQ/videos
  2. Latest release from LentoLEXX is out. Chill and a bit melancholic vibe of first days of autumn on the beach... Here's Sulla Spiaggia: https://i.ibb.co/LSqgrHK/CS6255612-02-A-BIG.jpg Listen here: Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/0nlgaMTEwwbbbgK5kyCbNg Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/album/sulla-spiaggia-single/1701381984 SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/lentolexx/sulla-spiaggia Juno: https://www.junodownload.com/products/lentolexx-sulla-spiaggia/6255612-02/
  3. Latest release from LentoLEXX is out today! Here's Cloudhopping: https://i.ibb.co/gb280GQ/maxresdefault.png https://promocards.byspotify.com/share/034129bfa1053d3c5823a8f4af0d21a864e9496e (sadly cover image link didn't shown for me, looks like forum engine is no longer show images links as images)
  4. I decided to create topic for music of artists that are not connected with lento violento style, but some of their productions have this vibe. In reason of copyrighted of lento violento, I decide to use name slowstyle. Here is first one. Mooryc - Saint-Saens (Groove Mix)
  5. Latest release from LentoLEXX is out today. Mysterious and intense vibe creates a mystical atmosphere of the night: here's Insomnia (Essential Mix)
  6. Latest release from LentoLEXX is out today: here's Voci Di Primavera
  7. NEUES SCHÖNES ALBUM VOM SALVO GARGIULO 01) Dj sTore & D.M.Production - Gam Gam (Dance Vision 2019) 02) Dj sTore - Armonica Elettronica (Dance Rmx 2019) 03) Nostaljie - Polizei 04) Dj sTore - Chariots of Fire (Dance Rmx) 05) Dj sTore - Funny Day (Dance Rmx 2019) 06) Dj sTore - Go West (Dance Rmx 2019) 07) Dj sTore - Aquì Vive Un Tamarro (Original Mix) 08) Mahmood - Soldi (Dj sTore Slowstyle Rmx) 09) Nostaljie - Zombie Nation 10) Dj sTore - Mistica (Inedito Dag) 11) Nostaljie - Musica Gagliarda (Tamarro Mix) 12) Nostaljie - God Is A Girl 13) Dj sTore - Life in Music (Original Mix) 14) 883 - Come Mai (Dj sTore & Nostalgia90 Dance Rmx 2019) 15) Nostaljie - Zombie 16) Nostaljie - Nuclear Sun 17) Ermal Meta - Ercole (Dj sTore Dance Rmx 2019) 18) Dj sTore - Tuthankasson (Original Mix And Special Track) VÖ: 15.05.2018
  8. Lento Violento - Osservo 1. Osservo [Gigi D'Agostino F.M. Mix] [3:20] Release: 02.03.2018 / Label: Gigi D'Agostino Planet Buy: https://play.google.com/store/music/album/Lento_Violento_Osservo_Gigi_D_Agostino_f_m_mix?id=Bnvmgqfljiz3inqty5fskzjiwfa
  9. Lento Violento - L'Uomo Delle Cause 1. L'Uomo Delle Cause [Gigi D'Agostino Fenomeni Mix] [4:14] Release: 05.03.2018 / Label: Gigi D'Agostino Planet Buy: https://play.google.com/store/music/album/Lento_Violento_L_uomo_delle_cause_Gigi_D_Agostino?id=Blflsltbiomnnrxb76wyxmjsw4y
  10. Federico Romanzi releaed new single Unity. 1. Unity[5:31] Release date: 27.10.2017 / Label: Vuira You can buy it on Google Play
  11. Im Mix von DEM DJ (Lento/Italo) ist die noch recht neue Single von DANIELE MEO recht nett anzuhören. Das Original ist dagegen nicht ganz so meins.
  12. Andrex contunues to release his old stuff. But now in different way - he mixing only his tracks & remixes from 2005 to 2009 and share this mixes for free. You can donate if you wish. Here is the second Trip Libero: 01. Andrex - Tremorella 02. Andrex - Deep Beat 03. The Verve - Bitter Sweet Symphony (Andrex Bootleg) 04. Andrex - The Godfather 05. Andrex - Demo #108 06. Joe Cassano - Dio Lodato (Andrex Bootleg) 07. Mondo Marcio - Dentro Alla Scatola (Andrex Bootleg) 08. Andrex - Demo #154
  13. Fantastic FREE album from great lento & italodance producer Dj sTore! Dj sTore - Mondi Musicali 01) Dj sTore - Adagio (Sogno Musicale Mix) 02) Dj sTore - Chiodino (Martellando Mix) 03) Dj sTore - Gam Gam (Folk Rmx 2012) 04) Dj sTore - Grottazzolina (La Danza Mix) 05) Dj sTore - Kalabrese (Insert Coin Mix) 06) Dj sTore & Dj Niky - Metto a posto bustine (Postino Mix) 07) Dj sTore - Vivo per lei (Music&Love Mixx) 08) Dj sTore - Acida (Rmx 2012) 09) Dj sTore - Almeno tu Nell'universo ( Rmx 2011) 10) Dj sTore - Musica Fantasia (Fantastico Mix) 11) Dj sTore - Cosi Celeste (Christmas Rmx) 12) Dj sTore - Margherita 13) Dj sTore - Il Canto degli angeli (Vision 2) 14) Dj sTore & Dj Niky - Martellata 15) Dj sTore - Sentimento perduto 16) Dj sTore Feat. Andrea Morph - Carillon 17) Dj sTore - Rage (Arabian Mix 2) via Facebook
  14. Servus Leute! Habe ein neues Youtube Video hochgestellt. Es beinhaltet ein Lied welches ich für Radiomix.at gemacht hab. Natürlich im Lento Violento Stil :D Ist sicher noch verbesserungswürdig aber das denk ich mir glaub ich immer wenn ich was gemacht habe ^^ Würde mich über Euer Feedback freuen! Danke und mfg Killerbee
  15. Demnächst: GRATIS 4 Italo Dance & Lento Remixes, mit Zustimmung von SANNY J.
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