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Alex M. vs. Marc Van Damme - Rock The House


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"We need to fill the floor and we'll have to right now

Like police swat charges a club In Moskow

-yeah- you wanna do a party with our dj team

Only Price You'll pay is a crowd that will scream

they'll scream for more and they scream it out loud

we will have to throw in one extra no doubt

We don't collide the law anyway any day

like a drug addicted mother fucker dee jay!

Wanna see you smile don't wanna make ya cry

just as you were ass-fucked and cooked like french fry

We Do the lyrical work that you can't cause you won't

and Could have teached you style and so on but we don't

Fill the Floor (Floor), Shake your ass (ass)

Rock The House (House), Make Some Cash (Cash)"

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"Und jetzt alle Hopper raus, Bangbros Rock the House" :anstossen:

Von den Hörproben kann man ja nicht viel entnehmen, auch wenn die bei Deejay.de länger sind als bei anderen Shop später mal. Aber das Macht schonmal Lust auf mehr.

Bearbeitet von Klubby
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