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Posts posted by tbg

  1. I haven't had a chance to buy this latest EP yet, but the difference between the kick waves of one from yandex sample and the one on Tanzen EP (based on the youtube track) is very different.

    Probably because they have a different equalization. In itself, the songs have a slight difference, minimal, but when you compare them together you can appreciate it (apart from what you can see in the waves).
    Also note the difference mentioned by renonskaro.

    bullit waves.png

    • Thanks 2
  2. vor 57 Minuten schrieb Rafael Lenz:

    - RIN doesn't exist anymore. That means not only that all the episode are (kinda) free from copyright (looking from a "radio broadcast" perspective), but it also means that possible audio archives from the radio station do not exist, or if they existed they are probably lost now.


    Well, the fact that RIN doesn't exist or isn't active doesn't mean that it is free of copyright.

    In any case, I don't think it's a copyright problem, but a problem of exclusivity. You can find a lot of il cammino rips on youtube. The rips that are available in tanz-passion were sent to him by me. Those rips were in file sharing programs (I don't know if outside Spain there is 'eMule', but I got them from there). Maybe now you can find something, but I doubt it.

  3. vor 14 Stunden schrieb Schlonte:

    Finde ich doof, das Gigi Cammino Cuts nimmt!

    Warum nimmt Gigi keine Vollversionen???


    He won't find it necessary. Obviously, of course I want the whole song, and if he release all the versions, better for us, but to be honest, he's giving us information through his songs. As I said in previous messages, I don't particularly like these "cuts", but if it comes from him, there are welcome.

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