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Gigi D’Agostino & Luca Noise - Circo Uonz 2 (B Side 2014-2015)

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I haven't had a chance to buy this latest EP yet, but the difference between the kick waves of one from yandex sample and the one on Tanzen EP (based on the youtube track) is very different.

Probably because they have a different equalization. In itself, the songs have a slight difference, minimal, but when you compare them together you can appreciate it (apart from what you can see in the waves).
Also note the difference mentioned by renonskaro.

bullit waves.png

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Yeah you are right! Of course the part at 0:50 (didn't noticed that before)... but I can hear also the difference in the kick/bass. :daumenhoch: 

So the Yandex Release is even more strange in my opinion, I thought they just took the track away for an other release, but now it's a different version too^^

Let's see, if we see Trip A Colori in some of the next EPs...

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