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Lento Violento - Lento Violento Dance (2001 - 2021) Slowerland 3

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We were all very happy with the lengths on Tecnotonica. Does that not count?

I would also like longer version, but maybe we dont get them…

As for limiting the release to 80 min I would do the same. Gigi is clearly nostalgic and some kind of limits makes sense to me.

There is nearly 20 min left for the remaining three songs, which might mean extended versionsof some of the songs allready announced?

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Posted (edited)

Previous youtube upload ("Extended Mix") lacked the intro. Can't tell if theres other differences rn.

thankfully this time I backed up the stream (unlike "Lose Control/Captain Future")


L'Amour Toujours is just a waste of a track to both have instrumental & vocal versions on here. There are so many other great unreleased versions...

Edited by hlennarz
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Posted (edited)

Yes, seems this is the difference. Maybe he change the equalization or adjust the volume of the hihats at 3:37, but it's basically the same.

Edited by tbg


Posted (edited)

And again, a cutted version 🤷‍♂️

Also I noticed the song ends with the beginning of the song 😂

Edited by tbg
  • Haha 1
Posted (edited)

In my personal opinion:


Collection 1 & 2

Lentonauta Film

and maybe Slowerland (though that's a stretch)


(though Col. 1 & 2 should be considered Compilations, not an Album)



Edited by hlennarz

I want to assume that the only reason Collection 1 and 2 are albums, is because all the tracks are associated with a single name (not counting remixes), unlike past compilations like Suono Libero where there was more than one pseudonym (Dottor Dag, Nuovi Step...)


Gigi love fades and cuts, thats sadly true, but he still releases his music what is awesome. There are a plenty of great tracks on this release. And with his current health condition I can't be angry on him.

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Scialescion or Lentonauta Film. Lentonauta Film is one of my favorite Gigi albums. Very nice and varied songs, simply a masterpiece. About this I am still very glad that he released it.

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My goodness, why all this negativity? 

In my opinion we should encourage and support Gigi. 

I mean, despite his bad illness and health in general he has been working in his studio, making music, making dreams... And the best of all, he has decided to share this wit us...he made us his travel companions in the strange world of Gigi d'agostino, slowerland... 

And although I don't get this new "lenta nova" thing, I don't like it at all to be honest 🙈 I agree with Hlennarz about the cuts and strange fadeouts and wierd things. I do prefer all the songs in extended versions and loved to see those to be released. 

But for now we have, again, a brand new album with a bunch of wonderful music. 

Is this album good or the best album ever? No, definitely not. But it's also not the worst, or baddest ever. 

This is album is titled Dance, and that's exactly what happens, especially the second half of the album with tracks like Stella danzante, favoletta, celebratory, soy libre, Costellazione... Dance within the slowerland. 


That being said, I think Gigi deserves our fully and unconditional support, just because his personal situation... :gigirulez:These are my personal thoughts and opinions 😊

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Posted (edited)

I was not expecting anything good when I saw 20 songs. It's typical "sono libero" way of releasing songs.

"Slowerland" is not my favorite series (except "Slowerland 2") so I was not expecting songs that I will like. However "Memoyage" and "La Mia Banda" was a really nice surprise.

New version of "La Passion" is a joke. Bad taste joke. Not only the way how this song is produced, but also how long it is. It's like a releasing movie trailer and said to everyone to paid for a full movie.

About Alan Walker style version of "L'Amour Toujours" I don't like only vocal version. I express my opinion about it on YT: The worst part are slowed and unsynchronised vocals. I know this vocals from other, older live version. This vocalisation is absolutely beautiful, but it's not slowed at all. Sounds natural, harmonic. Here it is sound terrible.

I am not disappointed. I was expecting an average album and I received an average album. 🤷‍♂️


Edited by Desper-D
vor einer Stunde schrieb henk_jan:

Dios mío, ¿por qué toda esta negatividad? 

En mi opinión, deberíamos animar y apoyar a Gigi. 

Es decir, a pesar de su mala enfermedad y salud en general ha estado trabajando en su estudio, haciendo música, haciendo sueños... Y lo mejor de todo, ha decidido compartir este ingenio con nosotros... nos ha hecho sus compañeros de viaje. en el extraño mundo de Gigi d'agostino, slowerland... 

Y aunque no entiendo esto de la nueva "lenta nova", no me gusta para nada, para ser honesto, 🙈estoy de acuerdo con Hlennarz sobre los cortes y los fundidos extraños y las cosas raras. Prefiero todas las canciones en versiones extendidas y me encantaba ver que se lanzaran. 

Pero por ahora tenemos, nuevamente, un nuevo álbum con un montón de música maravillosa. 

¿Es este álbum bueno o el mejor álbum de la historia? No, definitivamente no. Pero tampoco es el peor, o el peor de todos. 

Este álbum se titula Dance, y eso es exactamente lo que sucede, especialmente la segunda mitad del álbum con temas como Stella danzante, favoletta, celebratory, soy libre,  Costellazione... Dance within the slowerland. 


Dicho esto, creo que Gigi merece nuestro apoyo total e incondicional, solo por su situación personal... :gigirulez:Estos son mis pensamientos y opiniones personales.😊

Of course I do not stop supporting Gigi, because he is one of the most important artists in my entire life. I wish that he is well and that he recovers from his illness, I am glad to know that regardless of that, he is still happy to work on new songs and so on.
This album may not be exactly one of my favorites from what it has been releasing since 2018, and I am not going to keep an opinion about it, I don't like the album for the most part, but that does not mean that it gives me joy See every time Gigi uploads something new, or when he says that as far as it goes, he's fine, that support will never disappear. I appreciate it too much, and saying that I don't like a job is not taking away support, it's just having an opinion haha. (I'm not saying this to fight or anything, who knows if through the translator this may sound aggressive or something like that, if so, an apology)

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Honestly, I'd rather see one 10/10 release every three years than ten barely average releases we got over five years or so. I'm all for support, but I can't deny it - it's getting harder 😕

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Verstehe nicht so recht warum viele hier über das Album meckern, Nur weil Gigi oft die Songs schneidet? Ich finde es gut das Gigi überhaupt noch Songs veröffentlicht!!! Ich finde es auf jeden Fall besser er veröffentlicht seine Songs auch wenn sie geschnitten sind als das seine Lieder auf seiner Festplatte verstauben und nie an die Öffentlichkeit gelangen. Ich finde das geschimpfe hat Gigi nicht verdient. Er bleibt steht's seinem Musikstil treu, ich denke da an die Zeit 2007 wo eigentlich fast alle Italodance Künstler auf Electro House Musik umgestiegen sind, Gigi ist seiner Musik, seinem Stil, hat sogar einen eigenen Stil entwickelt, immer treu geblieben!!! Er hat uns all die Jahre mit wunderbaren Songs erfreut und hat wahrscheinlich eine Depression zwischen 2010 - 2015 überstanden und er hat nie aufgeben uns Fans mit in eine andere Welt mitzunehmen!!! Und er gibt immer noch nicht auf, trotz der schweren jetzigen Krankheit, uns Fans mit seiner wundervollen Musik mitzunehmen eben in diese Welt, Atmosphäre, Geschichte, Universum oder anderes...... 

Ich hätte auch gerne die alten Zeiten irgendwie zurück wo Gigi Cds raus gebracht hat oder mit DOS zusammen gearbeitet hat, aber so ist nun mal der Lauf der Zeit! Alles kann man nicht haben!

Wir sollten zufrieden sein das unser grösser Künstler Gigi D'Agostino überhaupt noch Songs veröffentlicht egal was es für Songs sind..... 

Gigi D'Agostino für mich der Beste Deejay, Producer, Interpret ever.... 

Gigi mach bitte für uns Fans noch lange Musik!!!! Lang lebe Gigi D'Agostino!!!! 😉 🙂


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Nattürlich bin ich froh, dass es Gigi den Umständen entsprechend besser geht und er überhaupt Musik veröffentlicht. 


Dennoch muss man einfach sagen, dass er ein riesiges Repertoire an tollem unveröffentlichtem Material hat, dass er partout zu ignorieren scheint. Gerade bei dem Titel >2001< bis 2021 hätte ich mehr erwartet.

Die gekürzten Versionen sind da leider das Sahnehäubchen auf dem "meh" Eisbecher der letzten Releases. Vor allem da so die ungekürzten Versionen oft für immer verdammt dazu sind unveröffentlicht zu bleiben.


Ich bin ehrlich, manchmal wünschte ich ZYX hätte die Möglichkeit ohne Veto auf sein Archiv zuzugreifen und es an den Mann zu bringen...


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I also read a lot of negative comments on YouTube and on the Facebook pages of Italian ex fans. Gigi is sick, but he still publishes music for his fans. There are good songs on the album, maybe 8 which are really good.  8 out of 20 is not a bad rate. 

criticized by Italian fan-turned-producers who don't have a single good album.  Maybe there is envy in it, right?


the weakest songs on the album are mostly those in which Luca Noise worked.  eg 100% "La Passion", “Se non fossi..” , Lunatica Cosmica” , “ L’amour” , 

I don't know why this is because Luca used to be much better.  It ruins everything these days.


3 songs are again just taken songs.  Works of Mondello; “ soy Libre “ , “stella danzante” , “celebrator”. 

all in all, you should be happy and support that he is still active. Another album or EP will arrive in 2 months anyway.  And I read that there is also a new song with artist La Vision.




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